K1 Speed Go Karts. Race With Us
August 30, 2021

What Is a Go-Kart?
Go karts are fundamentally a small-scale four-wheeled vehicle, not too dissimilar from a car. In fact, go karts share many of the same characteristics of a car including: a steering wheel, tires, brakes, a motor, and gas and brake pedals.
The go karts used at K1 Speed feature the latest state-of-the-art technology, making them not only fast, but also safe. Our adult go-karts produce an incredible 20 horsepower! They are 100% electric and the best indoor electric go-karts in the world. Electric karts means faster acceleration and no smelly fumes! At K1 Speed we have the fastest karts in the industry, our junior karts reach speeds up to 30 kilometers per hour, and out adult karts reach speeds up to 45 kilometers per hour!
What is Go-Karting?
Karting is a form of racing in a small four-wheel vehicle known as a go kart. The first ever go kart was created in Los Angeles, California in 1956. The first go kart race took place the following year with several homemade karts. Since then, karting has become very popular! It is estimated that over 1.6 billion people worldwide have raced a go kart.
How are the Karts Maintained?
K1 Speed has a team of in-house mechanics who specialize in go-karts to ensure the karts remain in tip top shape keeping you safely on the track!
Why Race Electric Karts?
Electric motors are more environmentally friendly compared to gas-powered karts, and ultimately provide the best benefits and let you get the most out of your racing experience.
1. Speed & Handling
One major advantage that electric go karts have over gas go karts is speed. Electric go karts are faster than gas go karts, hitting their top speed much more quickly. With gas-engine go karts, the engine’s acceleration is slower before it reaches its top revolutions per minute (RPM), also known as the “power band,” to create torque. But with electric go karts, the torque is instant as soon as you press the pedal, which is especially useful for tracks with multiple turns where acceleration is key.
Electric go karts also have better handling compared to gas go karts for a better steering and racing experience. Gas go karts typically have a heavy engine mounted in one location on the go kart, which can make the go kart uneven. But electric go karts have evenly-distributed battery weight for a smoother ride.
2. Environmentally Friendly
Electric go karts are extremely environmentally friendly. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, gas-powered engines like those in go karts produce the same emissions in just an hour as a typical car driving 350 miles. Electric go karts, on the other hand, produce zero emissions for a cleaner and safer driving experience. You also won’t have to worry about any fuel spills, which are bad for the environment and also dangerous to people’s safety.
The hazardous exhaust fumes from gas go karts are not only bad for the environment, but can also cause people to feel sick. And prolonged exposure can lead to more serious issues over time, such as respiratory damage, cardiovascular issues and more.
At K1 Speed, our electric go karts make for an unbeatable, adrenaline pumping racing experience.